e.g. Tales of Two Cities, VCE literature guide, membership...
Life membership is awarded to individuals who have made an outstanding and long-term commitment and contribution to VATE.
Life members of VATE include: Wilma Hannah (founding secretary of VATE); Ian Maxwell (first president); Bruce Dawe; Helen Howells; Jennifer Haynes; Margaret Gill; Helen Tyrer; Barry Carozzi; Val Kent; Terry Hayes; Brenton Doecke; Prue Gill; Chris Wheat; Greg Houghton; Paul Martin; Doug McClenaghan; Margaret Saltau; Meredith Maher; Catherine Beavis; Mary Mason; Jan May; Bernard Newsome; Jan Osmotherly; Amanda McGraw; Heather Maunder; Marion White.
VATE Council seeks nominations for Life Membership every year in March. Life Membership is conferred at the VATE AGM in May. You can view the criteria here.