Life members

Life membership is awarded to individuals who have made an outstanding and long-term commitment and contribution to VATE.

Life members of VATE include: Wilma Hannah (founding secretary of VATE); Ian Maxwell (first president); Bruce Dawe; Helen Howells; Jennifer Haynes; Margaret Gill; Helen Tyrer; Barry Carozzi; Val Kent; Terry Hayes; Brenton Doecke; Prue Gill; Chris Wheat; Greg Houghton; Paul Martin; Doug McClenaghan; Margaret Saltau; Meredith Maher; Catherine Beavis; Mary Mason; Jan May; Bernard Newsome; Jan Osmotherly; Amanda McGraw; Heather Maunder; Marion White.

VATE Council seeks nominations for Life Membership every year in March. Life Membership is conferred at the VATE AGM in May. You can view the criteria here.

Life members

Catherine Beavis
Barry Carozzi
Barry Carozzi
Bruce Dawe
Brenton Doecke
Prue Gill
Terry Hayes
Jennifer Haynes
Greg Houghton
Helen Howells
Val Kent
Meredith Maher
Meredith Maher
Paul Martin
Mary Mason
Heather Maunder
Ian Maxwell
Jan May
Amanda McGraw
Bernard Newsome
Jan Osmotherly
Jan Osmotherly
Margaret Saltau
Helen Tyrer
Chris Wheat
Marion White